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添加時間:2019-01-29      發(fā)布人:http://www.zhuangpian.cn

  Like Xiaobian, the science popularization articles for everyone are very serious. The types of reinforcing bars are generally classified according to mechanical properties. They are mainly divided into first-grade, second-grade, third-grade and fourth-grade reinforcing bars.
  Secondary reinforcing bars have been gradually eliminated in the category of reinforcing bars. The first, third and fourth reinforcing bars are briefly introduced here.
  The first grade steel bar is also what we often call the disc. It is also known as wire rod, which is commonly used in construction. It means steel bars with diameters less than 10 millimeters. Because steel bars with diameters less than 10 millimeters are easy to bend, in order to reduce the length before transportation, long steel bars are rolled in a circle by manufacturers. In construction sites, such steel bars are abbreviated as disc circles.
  The three-grade steel bar and the four-grade steel bar are mainly referred to as threaded steel. Thread steel is commonly known as hot-rolled ribbed bar. The grades of ordinary hot-rolled steel bar are composed of HRB and the minimum yield point of the grades. H, R and B are the first letters of Hotrolled, Ribbed and Bars respectively. Threaded steel belongs to small steel, which is mainly used for the skeleton of reinforced concrete building components. Threaded steel is usually used in reinforced concrete. Its stripe function is to increase friction, make the screw steel and concrete bite together, form a whole, under the action of external force will not produce twisting phenomenon, improve the strength of concrete.
  The introduction of the types of reinforcing bars is here. I think Xiaobian is a good one. Let's give Xiaobian some praise. In addition, if you have friends who need useful steel, you can also click on the official website for consultation: http://www.jnslshwx.com
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