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添加時間:2019-04-02      發(fā)布人:http://www.zhuangpian.cn

  Do you know the length of the rebar? Speaking of the length of the rebar, she is not the same as the screw. This does not mean that you can have as long as you want. He also has rules.
  Length of Threaded Reinforcement Bar
  Steel bars are usually delivered according to fixed length. The specific length of delivery should be specified in the contract. The length of threaded steel bars circulates in the market up to 12 meters and 9 meters.
  Steel bars can be delivered in coils, each plate should be a steel bar, that is, only two steel head, allowing 5% of the number of plates per batch (less than two plates can be made up of two steel bars). Its weight and diameter shall be determined through consultation between the supplier and the demander.
  Length allowable deviation: The allowable deviation of the length of reinforcing steel bar is 0 ~+50mm when it is delivered according to the fixed length, and the allowable deviation is 0 ~+50mm when the reinforcing steel bar is delivered according to the agreement or contract between the two parties.
  Bending degree and end: The end of reinforcing bar should be sheared and straight, and the local deformation should compensate for the influence of use.
  Weight and allowable deviation: steel bars can be delivered according to theoretical weight or actual weight. When delivered by theoretical weight, the theoretical weight is 0.00617*d*d*L, where D is the diameter of steel bar and L is the length of steel bar.
  If you want to know more about steel, such as the length of threaded steel bar, pay attention to us. Jinan wholesale steel bar will, as always, bring you more steel knowledge; http://www.zhuangpian.cn/
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